
摘要目的:评价recoverin抗体作为多种视网膜病变的生物标记。背景:炎症性眼炎(视神经炎,视网膜炎和vitreitis)和小细胞癌是经典CRMP-5多种自身免疫性的选择。抗体针对recoverin (23 kDa钙结合感光蛋白),虽然与多种视网膜病变和肿瘤有关,没有发现在梅奥诊所CRMP-5免疫球蛋白眼炎队列(交叉等,2003)。设计/方法:患者33 CRMP-5 IgG-negative自身免疫性视网膜病变(梅奥诊所,2001 - 2011),其中9≥1发现肿瘤(腺癌,7;神经内分泌肿瘤,3(小细胞癌,2;1),胸腺瘤,1;黑色素瘤,1)和154例对照进行了测试,在研究的基础上,对recoverin血清抗体的重组行免疫测定(Euroimmun)。控制包括:神经病人,116 (non-ophthalmic多种障碍,94;其他疾病,20);系统性红斑狼疮患者神经系统症状,20; and healthy subjects, 20. RESULTS: Recoverin antibody was detected in no controls and 2/33 retinopathy patients (6[percnt]); both were men with painless vision loss, detected 2-4 months before cancer detection. Patient 1, an 85 year-old smoker, progressed to light perception only bilaterally within 1 month. Small cell lung carcinoma was detected. Patient 2, a 66 year old non-smoker, had insidious progression of vision loss, ataxia and myelopathy (and also harbored P/Q- and N-type calcium channel antibodies). Metastatic neuroendocrine carcinoma was detected. Both patients had bilateral optic nerve and retinal atrophy (non-inflammatory appearing) and flat electroretinograms. Neither patient had vision improvements despite cancer treatment and immunotherapy; both died from cancer within 2 years of diagnosis. During clinical evaluation, 25/33 retinopathy patients (including patients 1 and 2) were tested for recoverin antibody in an outside laboratory, and were reported negative in all but patient 1. CONCLUSIONS: Recoverin antibody seems specific for neuroendocrine carcinoma-associated retinopathy, and 2 of 3 patients with that disease-combination were positive. A larger paraneoplastic ophthalmopathy study may be informative.
披露:洛佩斯博士没有披露。麦克科恩博士接到Medimmune的研究支持。物博士没有披露。Pittock博士已收到(皇室或执照费或合同权利)支付从Peripherin-Specific自身抗体作为神经系统和内分泌系统疾病的标志。博士Pulido没有披露。科莫罗夫斯基博士已经收到个人活动与补偿EuroImmun AG)作为一个员工。Roforth博士没有披露。好几个带屏幕博士家伙没有披露。迈耶博士已收到的个人活动与员工补偿Euroimmun公司作为一个员工。
星期四,2016年4月21日,8:30 am-5:30点
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