
目的:定量评估进化的创伤我第一个24小时,调查与功能的关系的结果。背景:创伤性颅内血肿的早期扩张(我)是常见的,但之前的研究集中在高密度(血液)组件。止血治疗方法旨在防止出血可能增加peri-hematoma梗塞的风险,从而增加细胞毒性水肿。评估相对进化的高和低密度组件将设计针对创伤治疗我的信息。方法:CT扫描的参与者COBRIT (Citocholine脑损伤试验)研究分析了使用MIPAV软件。CT扫描在演讲和24至48小时后被选中。包括实质我患者,而那些主要extra-axial我或我需要紧急颅骨切除术被排除在外。地区高密度和低密度测量使用阈值算法辅以目视检查。结果:配对扫描的84名患者进行了分析。血肿体积增加> 50 [percnt] 34 (40 [percnt])。 46 (55[percnt]) had increase in edema volume of > 50[percnt]. The correlation between expansion of the hematoma component the edema component was low (r = 0.39, p= 0.002). There was no correlation between initial or final volumes of either hematoma or edema volumes and GOSE at 3 or 6 months. There was a weak correlation between change in edema volume and GOSE at 6 months (r = 0.268, p = 0.037). There was no correlation between change in hematoma volume and GOSE at 3 or 6 months. DISCUSSION: Both high density and low density components of traumatic ICHs expand significantly in the first 2 days after TBI. There is weak or no relationship between initial volumes, final volumes, or expansion of either component and functional outcome. These results argue against use of pro-coagulant agent in traumatic ICH.
披露:威尔克斯博士没有披露。麦科马克博士没有披露。Silverman博士没有披露。Harburg博士没有披露。航道博士没有披露。Bogoslovsky博士没有披露。施罗德博士没有披露。摩尔博士没有披露。肯尼博士已经收到了来自美国国立卫生研究院的特许使用金技术转让。范教授博士没有披露。 Dr. Diaz-Arrastia has nothing to disclose.
星期四,2015年4月23日,下午2:00 pm-6:30
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