Florbetapir F18正电子发射断层扫描识别的β-淀粉样蛋白在大脑生活:一个临床病例系列(P6.319)

目的:一个案例系列使用[18 f] Amyvid (florbetapir) PET成像在神经退行性疾病患者。[18 f] Amyvid可能增加诊断和辅助鉴别诊断的准确性。背景:识别和量化的β-淀粉样蛋白在大脑使用Amyvid™(Florbetapir F 18) PET成像最近被FDA批准的临床工具来评估神经炎的患者的斑块密度被评估为阿尔茨海默病(AD)和其他认知能力下降的原因。与[18 f] Amyvid成像可能会提高临床诊断的准确性的广告和广告与那些没有区分个体non-AD类型的神经退化。设计/方法:一系列连续病例17例(60 - 89岁;8米/ 9 f)进行评估临床认知问题,称为[18 f] Amyvid PET成像。评估包括神经系统检查和神经心理评估。训练有素的核医学医师评价淀粉样的扫描是积极的还是消极的。临床诊断之前扫描。结果:临床诊断:四个额颞叶痴呆患者(FTD),两个行为变量和两个原发性进行性失语(PPA)。 Amyvid scans were negative in patients with FTD+PPA but mixed between two patients with FTD, behavioral variant (one positive and the other negative). One patient was diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease (PD) and AD (positive scan) and the other with PD+depression (negative scan). Four patients with MCI, amnestic and 3 with AD had positive scans. [18F]Amyvid was negative in one patient diagnosed with depression in the absence of neurodegenerative diagnosis. Two patients with normal cognition had negative scans. Another with multiple concussions, with memory and information processing impairment but preserved intellectual function and diagnosed with delayed post-traumatic cognitive impairment (DPTCI), had a negative scan. CONCLUSIONS: In patients with AD or MCI, amnestic, [18F]Amyvid imaging was positive and consistent with clinical diagnosis prior to scanning. In contrast, patients with PD, DPTCI, depression and normal cognition were negative indicating the value of [18F]Amyvid in clinical discrimination.
披露:Mitsis博士没有披露。本德博士没有披露。Kostakoglu博士没有披露。Machac博士没有披露。马丁没有披露。Woehr博士没有披露。戈尔茨坦没有披露。佐博士已经收到个人补偿活动与安万特制药公司,拜耳制药公司,森林实验室Inc .,葛兰素史克公司,詹森,药物,Bristol-Myer施贵宝制药有限公司OrthoMcNeil,武田。铁路工人博士已经收到个人活动与强生公司补偿,辉瑞制药(pfe . n:行情),老年免疫治疗联盟,新药法庭之友,巴克斯特。
星期四,2014年5月1日,7:30 am-11:00
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