首页神经病学国际居民视频会议和交流(NIRVE) (P4.299)

目的:提供同伴知识转移,鼓励暴露在全球卫生在神经学和促进神经学学员之间的国际合作。首页背景:2006年,世界卫生组织承认神经障碍作为全球疾病负担的主要因素和失能调整寿命损失的主要原因(残疾)。然而,许多神经病学培训计划在首页北美缺乏全球卫生组件到他们的课程。实地国际临床和研究国外交流访问,由一些居民。国际神经首页病学居民视频会议和交流(NIRVE)是一个居民从多伦多大学的倡议,促进神经学和全球健康教育使用视频会议系统的优点。设计:NIRVE目前统一5国际网站(加拿大多伦多;法国格勒诺布尔;圣彼得堡,俄罗斯;亚的斯亚贝巴(埃塞俄比亚;和圣安德烈,巴西)。 Each session is attended by an average of 30 residents and consists of a main presentation on rotating topics on the practice of neurology or issues in global health, followed by a neuroradiology case. Interactive discussion periods are incorporated and used to promote dialogue on the current state and various advances and challenges in neurology, both locally and internationally. RESULTS: A recent survey of resident participants demonstrated that over 80% of participants found the rounds relevant and useful for their training, despite regional differences. Through bonds forged via the NIRVE program, residents have also been able to arrange international exchanges at other participating sites to further experience and learn from differences in the practice of neurology abroad. CONCLUSIONS: NIRVE has allowed neurology residents to connect with peers internationally. Its impact has been taken from the virtual world to on-the-ground clinical practice. It is a powerful tool for knowledge transfer that can influence future neurologists’ practice by bridging distances across physical, political and socioeconomic borders.
周三,2014年4月30日,7:30 am-11:00
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